The (mis)Adventures of Lenny & Lloyd: Part the First (or the Last depending on how well this one goes)

if  you can’t read/see the images just click on the pictures…

Lenny & Lloyd go to the beach:


Filed under (me), projects

10 responses to “The (mis)Adventures of Lenny & Lloyd: Part the First (or the Last depending on how well this one goes)

  1. what’s in the bag next to the suntan lotion? is that a can of spam? or some weird, instant asian noodle meal?

    • you were *pretty* close, but it’s actually an asian magazine that happens to be ABOUT spam & noodles.
      you know… light beach reading.

  2. That crab is an idiot. He should have stayed under the umbrella.

  3. I respectfully disagree with Sarah P. That crab knew what was up. You should have followed him. Always follow the crabs.

  4. is the little sand castle creating bastard on the trip too or is he just hangin out at the beach? He’s all pissed off because the rain made his castle flag fall over. oh and he’s allergic to irony. he has no idea what awesome is. i think he might be my dad.

    lol. awesome post!

    • haha and thanx!
      i guess i should have made that part more clear. the bastard is just “there”, not with L & L, otherwise i probably should have titled the post “Lenny & Lloyd: World’s Most Inattentive Parents”.

  5. Pingback: Cry Me a River, Justin Timberlake… « me and the bee

  6. Pingback: The (mis)Adventures of Lenny & Lloyd: Lloyd’s Dilemma « me and the bee

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